Author Topic: later openGL support and usage of their functions  (Read 1174 times)


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later openGL support and usage of their functions
« on: 5 September 2010, 17:32:53 »
I think it would be nice to make suport for thinks like normal maps, wich enables tesselation and shaders. Also a few performance upgrades would get with it, as model detail shoudnt be that high to create beautiful graphics. Some screen particles and stuff would also be possible

how do u think 'bout that?


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Re: later openGL support and usage of their functions
« Reply #1 on: 5 September 2010, 18:18:09 »
do it  ;D

But what should tesselation be good for in glests case? More details of the models? I don't see the point here.
Same with normal maps! This is no 3d-shooter where you are directly in the scene.

Shaders will come

« Last Edit: 5 September 2010, 18:36:40 by titi »
Try Megaglest! Improved Engine / New factions / New tilesets / New maps / New scenarios


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Re: later openGL support and usage of their functions
« Reply #2 on: 5 September 2010, 19:02:49 »
Having difFerEnt maps for models greatly increases level of detail without sucking to much on your FPS. I think the point is to have more visual enjoyment. surely gameplay is most important, but graphics is also needed. tesselation, well, idk, and idc, there are almost no cards supporting it i think, but i have seen the differences it makes, trust me it is huge. though it is most for fps gfx, RTS might also have it, like when you zoom a little more into the units. and stuf..yeah.


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Re: later openGL support and usage of their functions
« Reply #3 on: 8 September 2010, 17:01:34 »
normal maps, they are used for shading XD, and for tesselation, but tesselation will indeed mean that unit develloppers don't need to put that much work in their models when they are good texturerers but s*ck at modelling. it also would add much detail to everything and make the game a lot more biautiful...

oh and a card supporting tesselation as main feature costs 40€ at the moment;)  it's called a HD5450
also, the last series of ATI cards support tesselation, but only a little. OpenGL has tesselation for a longer time than directX and since the hd 3xxx series ATI cards support tesselation. the cheapest one is 25€'s I dont think that is much and lots of people allready have it;)
« Last Edit: 13 September 2010, 19:54:30 by emscape »


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Re: later openGL support and usage of their functions
« Reply #4 on: 13 September 2010, 16:01:27 »
I forgot too add something. It would also make people start using glest cus they think, that looks nice;)
« Last Edit: 13 September 2010, 19:53:27 by emscape »